BABYAMAMENTAÇÃOTIRA LEITEMAM 2 in 1 Double Electric Breast Pump Manual Breast Pump, Portable Breast Pump with 2 Easy Start Anti Colic Bottles Breastfeeding Supplies

MAM 2 in 1 Double Electric Breast Pump Manual Breast Pump, Portable Breast Pump with 2 Easy Start Anti Colic Bottles Breastfeeding Supplies

Referência: 2998_Rihappy
Vendido e entregue por Ecletiq
6x de R$ 321,70
R$ 2.144,69
R$ 1.930,22
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MAM 2 in 1 Double Electric Breast Pump Manual Breast Pump, Portable Breast Pump with 2 Easy Start Anti Colic Bottles Breastfeeding Supplies

6x de R$ 321,70
R$ 2.144,69
R$ 1.930,22
O preço já inclui todos os custos, não será cobrado nenhum valor extra para o recebimento do produto.
O preço inclui imposto de importação, ICMS, Frete Nacional, Frete Internacional, Serviços Alfandegários e a intermediação do câmbio para pagamento no exterior.
Atenção: Todos os produtos elétricos são 110V e necessitam de adaptador para a tomada no formato Brasileiro.

Electric or manual use Choose between Electric pump simultaneous or alternate pumping on both sides, or manual or Electric pumping on one side. Soft silicone funnels allow for maximum comfort. Leak proof closed system The closed design of this portable breast pump prevents leaks into the mechanism to ensure that milk travels through a hygienic route. On the go use This breastfeeding pump comes with a compact motor that can easily fit into a small bag, making on the go use easier than ever. Custom settings The Double Electric Breast Pump has 9 Suction levels for each side in each mode expression stimulation, allowing for a customizable pumping experience. Product details MAM 2 in 1 double Electric Breast Pump, 2 5 oz. MAM Anti colic bottles with Slow flow nipples, 2 additional extra slow flow nipples, 2 storage cups, manual breast pump handle

The MAM 2 in 1 double Electric Breast Pump is a portable double breast pump designed for maximum comfort and flexibility for you and your baby. The pump easily switches between electric and manual use, and can be used for single or double Expression allowing for maximum flexibility. Designed as a closed system, It prevents leaks into the pump mechanism, ensuring that milk travels through a hygienic route. The breast pump includes two transparent Adaptors that allow you to see the positioning of the funnels on both breasts, removable silicone funnels for maximum comfort while pumping, and funnel covers to protect the silicone breast pumps from dust and dirt. The removable soft funnels made of extra soft silicone to ensure comfortable milk Expression at all times. The pumps electric motor is small enough to fit into a small bag, making it ideal for on the go use. The timer on the pump counts the minutes while expressing and reminds mom of when the next pumping session is. Our MAM 2 in 1 double Electric Breast Pump also includes a rechargeable battery unit, two 5 oz. MAM Easy start anti colic baby bottles with Slow flow nipples plus two additional size 0 extra slow flow bottle nipples, and two extra storage cups. Theres also a manual pump handle attachment for manual pumping. This portable breast pump is compatible with all MAM Easy start anti colic baby bottles, and was developed alongside midwives and lactation consultants and is made of high quality, baby safe materials. MAM breast pumps and all MAM products are BPA BPS free and meet or exceed both U.S. And International safety standards